

Closed Continuous Bézier Curves (remastered)

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Welcome to the Wonderful World of user friendly Bézier Curves.

This repo is a mess because it is preliminary. Collecting and constructing materials, documentation and samples.

A continuous Bézier curve is a composite curve (multiple consecutive smaller curves) that at the seams share an identical first and second derivatives. The general issue is that implementations consider it “open”, meaning that the sections of the curves are independent/non-connected. Control points are mostly machine generated and far from intuitive. Attempts to manually change the curve usually ends in distorting the whole.

This project takes a new approach to Bézier curves considering all sections connected (closed curve). Maths drastically simplify, creating B/C control points for plotting is a linear function (instead of matrix solving). Intuitive human/curve interaction, control points are no longer off-curve but are actually located on the curve. Ultra high speed plotting allows for real-time fitting of curves onto contours (represented as a vector of coordinates).

Calculating coefficients

Basic Bézier with on-curve control points

[click on the image to start the demonstration]

Remastered curve with 10 control points

[click on the image to start the demonstration]

Compare between Bézier curve and coordinate vector

[click on the image to start the demonstration]

Bézier curve with dynamic number of composite sections

Left in “visual” mode, right in “precise” mode.

[click on the image to start the demonstration]


Source code

Grab one of the tarballs at or checkout the latest code:

  git clone


Using SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3 - see the LICENSE.txt file for details
